23 Mar Cleared Tissue LightSheet Webinar – March 31st 2020
Cleared Tissue LightSheet Webinar – Mar 31 2020
Session 1: 10 AM PDT | 11AM MDT | 1PM EDT
Session 2: 1PM BST | 2PM CEST
Cleared Tissue LightSheet (CTLS) is a large field lightsheet microscope designed to image whole organs at high speed. CTLS creates a focused sheet with a narrow waist for better optical sectioning, then uses a spatial light modulator (SLM) to rapidly shift the waist of the sheet along the axis of propagation. A dual excitation setup allows imaging from the right and left sides of the specimen for optimal light-sheet projection throughout. Just load a sample and CTLS is automated so that instrument control can be done remotely via any screen sharing tool. Join this webinar to learn how CTLS can support your scientific goals with fast, high resolution imaging of cleared tissue and whole organs.
For more information on the Cleared Tissue LightSheet system, visit www.intelligent-imaging.com/ctls.
Please sign up here for each webinar time:
Cleared Tissue LightSheet Webinar – 10 AM PDT | 11AM MDT | 1PM EDT
Cleared Tissue LightSheet Webinar – 1PM BST | 2PM CEST

Sergei Sorkin
Director of Marketing
Phone +1 303 607 9429
Email: sergei {at} intelligent-imaging.com